World Congress Postponement - Message from the IHPBA President

Dear Members of the IHPBA, friends and colleagues.

I hope you are all safe and as best as possible remain well. Over the last few weeks, the IHPBA and its congress partners the ANZHPBA and the A-PHPBA, have grappled with the right decision regarding the Melbourne 2020 World Congress. We had to balance a number of issues pertaining to the ability to travel, the safety of those attending and the financial viability of the meeting, but always did this by considering the purpose of the World Congress, which is to provide and promote: a forum for the presentation of high quality original, scientific research; the exchange of clinical, practical and scientific information; an educational forum; a forum for information and exchange of ideas.  Importantly, the congress also provides the opportunity to network and to meet with friends and colleagues from around the world.

Using the best available evidence, which clearly indicated that it would not be possible to host this meeting in September 2020, we have taken the decision to postpone the World Congress. We have secured the Melbourne convention centre for the 2-5 February 2021 and remain assured that we can meet the stated purpose of the meeting.

Many are asking us about the impact on the regional HPB congresses scheduled for 2021. We did consult with the Presidents of the AHPBA, E-AHPBA and A-PHPBA and in the spirit of harmonization and collaboration, they have all supported the meeting taking place in February 2021. We are very grateful for their understanding and commitment to the Melbourne World Congress.

The three partners will continue to work hard to ensure that the congress in the beautiful city of Melbourne will offer you the premier HPB meeting experience that you have come to expect.

During this time I hope you, your loved ones and the communities you serve remain safe and healthy and that we all emerge stronger and more energized at the end of the pandemic.

Martin Smith

President IHPBA 


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