International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association
IHPBA supports the GECKO study
The NIHR Global Surgery Unit in partnership with IHPBA and E-AHPBA are launching a new cohort study, GECKO, including all adult patients undergoing cholecystectomy globally. This cohort study has four broad aims:
1) To determine the quality of safe provision of cholecystectomy, including the rates of:
(i) achieving a critical view of safety
(ii) intraoperative imaging use (e.g., cholangiogram)
(iii) initiating of different bailout procedures (e.g., subtotal cholecystectomy) when safe cholecystectomy is compromised.
2) To assess adverse events following cholecystectomy (e.g., bile duct injury) and their management.
3) To analyse rates and outcomes of unsuspected gallbladder cancer.
4) To evaluate the global variation in the availability of cholecystectomy services and training amongst included hospitals.
We hope to have your support and dissemination through your networks. This study is especially suitable for early career researchers.
Publications arising from the study will include a “GECKO Study Group” including every individual that that contributes to the acquisition of data. ALL THESE CONTRIBUTORS WILL BE APPEAR AS AUTHOR ON PUBMED.
Please read the study protocol and visual abstract.
To register hospital leads please use this link:
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