International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association
The IHPBA currently has over 3,500 IHPBA members from 100 countries. The Association is divided into four regions represented by three Regional Associations
- Europe and Africa/Middle East: European-African Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (E-AHPBA)
- The Americas: American Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (AHPBA)
- Asia/Pacific: Asian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (A-PHPBA)
There are also 59 chapters that represent memberships from different countries.
Membership may be in one of the following categories:
- Active Member: represents a medical practitioner or scientist actively involved in the hepatic, pancreatic or biliary fields. Applicants fill out an application form, which is then subject to approval. There is a combined annual fee for dual membership in the IHPBA and the Regional Chapter.
- Junior Member: offered to those members who are presently a trainee, resident or fellow enrolled in a programme of medical education or research, or any practicing surgeon under the age of 35. In an effort to make membership more affordable for young doctors and residents, junior members enjoy the same benefits as full active members at the reduced rate.
- Senior Member: offered after retirement from active academic and/or clinical practice. Senior members do not have voting rights.
- Honorary Members: are those distinguished individuals who have made an exceptional contribution to the fields of hepatic, pancreatic and biliary disease. These contributions can be clinical or scientific. An honorary member is proposed by a member of the IHPBA Council which then seeks approval from the membership at the next General Assembly. Honorary members have voting rights, but are excluded from holding office and are exempt from the annual membership subscription.
- Allied Health/Advanced Practice Provider Professionals: for non-MD Practitioners involved and interested in the HPB field.
- Fees/Applications - To find out more about IHPBA membership types and fees please click here
- Benefits - Learn about the many benefits offered to IHPBA members
- Members' Area - An electronic membership directory containing contact information of IHPBA members and allowing electronic access to HPB journal and myHPB, our online education platform. Only active members of the IHPBA have access to this area. Your membership certificate can also be printed here.
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